El enlace o Link que he colocado arriba es un artículo en versión PDF y que trata el asunto siguiente:
"Myths about the nature and practice of qualitative research are both embedded in the mainstream folklore and supported by the textbooks that we use in our classrooms. However, many students resist instructors' attempts to question textbooks, which they regard as "gospel truth". How can we get our students to go beyond both textbook myths and mainstream folklore to grapple with misleading and inaccurate statements? In this article I suggest several strategies to raise awareness of myths about qualitative research, explain why several common statements about qualitative methods are myths, and suggest classroom strategies for engaging students in challenging these myths."
El autor sugiere estrategia cuando se trata de aplicar el análisis cualitativo. Este artículo lo rescate de:
Augmenting es un blog editado por Ken Cousins y Mike Evans y trata los temas de tecnología más usados en la red.
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