domingo, 24 de febrero de 2008
Educativa Virtual
En este LINK existen varias referencias relacionadas con la curricula de educación básica, lo cual permite la construcción del conocimiento. Se relata lo que en México se llama CICLO-MEDIA o sea un video para segunda enseñanza.
Estante virtual es un lugar donde se pueden comprar libros usados en Brasil a precios solidarios.
domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008
La revista cultural Aguja
sábado, 16 de febrero de 2008
The Harvard University y los artículos en la WEB
En un artículo del diario New York Times, mencionan que la universidad de Harvard ha decidido presionar a sus sus profesores de "Arts and Sciences" para que divulguen sus artículos de investigación en la Web y a menos que ellos se nieguen, la misma universidad los publica. Esto al parecer no es problema para que luego envíen esos artículos a Revistas de su especialidad.
Harvard University will soon begin posting research and articles produced by its faculty on the Internet free of charge. On Tuesday the arts and sciences faculty voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution that would commit Harvard to open access — the movement to speed the exchange of knowledge by freely distributing research on the Web. “The chorus of ‘yeas’ was thunderous,” Robert Darnton, the director of the University Library, wrote in an e-mail message. “I hope this marks a turning point in the way communications operate in the world of scholarship.” The library will oversee an Office of Scholarly Communication, which is being created to handle the project. Professor Darnton said a Web site instructing the faculty on how to transmit articles is already up and running, and the technical work should be completed by April 1. Meanwhile open access took another step forward on Wednesday when Fastcase inaugurated the Public Library of Law (, a free online legal research site.
Ver algunos tópicos de Harvard University:
Harvard University will soon begin posting research and articles produced by its faculty on the Internet free of charge. On Tuesday the arts and sciences faculty voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution that would commit Harvard to open access — the movement to speed the exchange of knowledge by freely distributing research on the Web. “The chorus of ‘yeas’ was thunderous,” Robert Darnton, the director of the University Library, wrote in an e-mail message. “I hope this marks a turning point in the way communications operate in the world of scholarship.” The library will oversee an Office of Scholarly Communication, which is being created to handle the project. Professor Darnton said a Web site instructing the faculty on how to transmit articles is already up and running, and the technical work should be completed by April 1. Meanwhile open access took another step forward on Wednesday when Fastcase inaugurated the Public Library of Law (, a free online legal research site.
Ver algunos tópicos de Harvard University:
jueves, 14 de febrero de 2008
Tesis Doctorales Españolas
En el enlace de arriba aparen las tesis doctorales españolas. Las que corresponden a la Universidad de La Laguna y la de Palmas de Gran Canaria se pueden bajar completas en versión PDF. Las de otras universidades casi todas ofrecen sólo el RESUMEN.
lunes, 4 de febrero de 2008
Los nuevos cursos de (OCW) de MIT pero para secundaria
Ustedes saben que MIT siempre ofrecía cursos académicos para el nivel de graduados y de post-grado, pero ahora también están ofreciendo cursos para el Bachillerato, como aparece en el enlace de arriba.
On November 28, 2007, MIT celebrated the initial publication of the entire MIT curriculum on OpenCourseWare. The celebration was hosted by MIT president Susan Hockfield, and included a keynote address by Thomas Friedman, columnist for The New York Times. The event also included a panel discussion on the future of education and OpenCourseWare, as well as an announcement of a new MIT OpenCourseWare initiative, Highlights for High School.
As you may be aware, MIT OpenCourseWare reached an important milestone in November 2007: The complete publication of virtually the entire MIT curriculum, more than 1,800 courses in total. To mark the occasion, we held our Milestone Celebration event November 28th on the MIT campus, attended by more than 300 representatives of the MIT community and leaders of open education projects world wide. Our keynote speaker for the event was Thomas Friedman, columnist for The New York Times. It's my pleasure to share with you the video recording of the event, which is now available on our Web site:
El otro Video sobre sus cursos para Bachillerato:
On November 28, 2007, MIT celebrated the initial publication of the entire MIT curriculum on OpenCourseWare. The celebration was hosted by MIT president Susan Hockfield, and included a keynote address by Thomas Friedman, columnist for The New York Times. The event also included a panel discussion on the future of education and OpenCourseWare, as well as an announcement of a new MIT OpenCourseWare initiative, Highlights for High School.
As you may be aware, MIT OpenCourseWare reached an important milestone in November 2007: The complete publication of virtually the entire MIT curriculum, more than 1,800 courses in total. To mark the occasion, we held our Milestone Celebration event November 28th on the MIT campus, attended by more than 300 representatives of the MIT community and leaders of open education projects world wide. Our keynote speaker for the event was Thomas Friedman, columnist for The New York Times. It's my pleasure to share with you the video recording of the event, which is now available on our Web site:
El otro Video sobre sus cursos para Bachillerato:
sábado, 2 de febrero de 2008
Diccionario de MITOS
En el enlace de arriba aparece un diccionario de mitos y leyendas. Este aporte de Argentina del Grupo Naya que sin antropólogos y arqueólogos.
La revista digital TEMAS LIBRES

Esta revista digital tiene artículos que tienen que ver con Brasil y con Portugal.
La Revista Tema Libre presenta artículos académicos, entrevistas inéditas, exposición virtual de fotografías y materiales exclusivos.
- “A fronteira medieval entre Galicia e Portugal” (De CARLOS BARROS, professor titular de história medieval da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, na Espanha).
- “Organização militar, poder local e autoridade nas conquistas: considerações acerca da atuação dos corpos de ordenanças no contexto do Império português” (De ANA PAULA PEREIRA DA COSTA, doutoranda em história pelo PPGHIS da UFRJ)
- “D. João VI, o general Lecor e a criação da Cisplatina” (De FÁBIO FERREIRA, Doutorando em História pelo PPGH da UFF e mestre em História Social pelo PPGHIS da UFRJ)
- “As fugas de escravos da província de São Pedro para o além-fronteira” , (De SILMEI DE SANT'ANA PETIZ, professor do curso de História do Centro Universitário Unilasalle e doutorando pela Unisinos)
- “Tortuosos caminhos da ‘invenção de si’: política, nacionalismo cultural e estrangeiros no Brasil” (De NEIDE ALMEIDA FIORI e EDUARDO BÚRIGO DE CARVALHO, professores doutores da UNISUL)
- “As referências ao comunismo no início dos anos 30 no Diário de Notícias.” (De CRISTIANO CRUZ ALVES, do mestrado em história da Universidade Federal da Bahia)
Prof. Dr. Aníbal Bragança (UFF)
Profª. Dr.ª Heloísa Paulo (CEIS-20/Universida de de Coimbra)
Prof. Dr. Luís Reis Torgal (CEIS-20/Universida de de Coimbra)
Com a primeira parte da série “O Rio de Janeiro e D. João VI, Rei de Portugal, Brasil e Algarves”, que apresenta o PAÇO IMPERIAL
Y una Exposición virtual de Imágenes de PORTUGAL.
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