Becas doctorales en la Universidad de Westminster, Londres. Muy estimados amigos comparto esta convocatoria que nos extiende Mireya Marquez Ramirez
El CAMRI de la Universidad de Westminster es el Departamento de medios mejor posicionado en Reino Unido en la evaluación RAE 2008 (con el que se evalúa la calidad y alcance internacional de la investigación de las universidades británicas) y es de los poquísimos en el país que ofrece becas doctorales todo pagado: incluye colegiaturas y además mensualidades generosas (por
arriba de las que da el Conacyt o el British Council) para alojamiento.
Aprovechen mandar su solicitud, el proceso lógicamente, es muy competido, pero el profesorado es mundialmente reconocido y sus líneas de investigación siempre van a la vanguardia.
University of Westminster
Research Studentships 2010
Fully funded research studentships starting October 2010.Tuition fees paid and stipend of £15,500 p.a. Number of studentships available and eligibility Up to 6 studentships are available, awarded by a competitive process. Studentships are available to candidates with either Home/EU or Overseas fee status.
Studentship applications are welcomed in the following areas:
Media and Communication at: The Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI),
CAMRI is the UK¹s number one research group in media and communication asrated by the UK Government¹s 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. We have 25 research active staff and 50 PhD students. We have a wide and expanding range of research interests, including media economics and policy, media history, political communication, media audiences, questions of identity and media, new media, and international communication. We have established centres for the study of the media in China, in the Arab world and in Africa currently developing a similar centre for India. In the broadest sense we are interested in the social, economic, political and cultural significance of the media, and welcome proposals from prospective students on these or any other topic related to media and communication.
Prospective students wishing to informally discuss an application should contact Dr Anthony McNicholas at : mcnichc@wmin.ac.uk
In addition to their PhD studies, successful candidates will be expected to undertake up to 6 hours per week assisting with teaching and other academic duties. The University will provide support for these activities including attendance at education courses within the University that can lead to additional qualifications.
Applicants should hold or expect to be awarded a 2.1 honours degree or above and preferably a Masters degree and should, where relevant, demonstrate English Language competence of at least IELTS 6.5 or equivalent. Applicants should hold Home/EU fee status.
Closing date for the receipt of applications: 5pm Friday 19 February 2010.
For information about how to apply, visit our website at:
Home »Schools and Departments»School of Media, Arts and Design»CAMRI
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